What Igbos Need to Know About Isiagu Symbol (by Anozie Awambu)
In this essay, I use “ akwa isiag ụ ” as metaphor to illustrate that Igbos have not done exactly well to preserve their language and culture. I posit they have abandoned their unique cultural symbol. That they are now parading a symbol of foreign popular culture as their foremost emblem. But I also present perspectives that might ignite a quest for self-rediscovery. Akwa Isiag ụ Akwa isiag ụ is the clothing fabric patterned with motifs showing fierce-looking lion’s head and mane. Some designs show a less stern lion’s head, with two or three cow horns besides it. Since the last 50 to 60 years Igbos have managed to portray this fabric design as their classic cultural emblem. In fact, as something of a totem. Igbo chiefs and nze and ọzọ titleholders use it to make their ceremonial gears. At native marriage ceremonies and similar cultural events, isiag ụ garments of different colours and styles grace the day. Igbo people feel a certain sense of pride when the...